Mixed media paper craft: Devotion

Mixed media paper craft: Devotion. (3-1/2" x 2-1/2"). Watercolor pencil, markers, decorative paper and tape on cardstock. Shown here digitally altered in Picasa. 

Here is a short short version of the story read every December 12 at Spanish mass to celebrate the feast day of the Virgin of Guadalupe:  

In 1531, brown skinned Virgin of Guadalupe appeared to an indigenous man, Juan Diego, now a Saint. She gave him a message for the powerful Bishop that she wanted a church built at the place she appeared to him, Tepeyac. In case the Bishop would not believe Juan Diego she arranged some out-of-season roses in his tilma, or cloak. 

The cathedral at Tepeyac, on the northern edge of Mexico City, is the most visited pilgrimage site in Mexico. Many people make the pilgrimage walking and crawl the final way on their knees, as I am a witness.