Mixed media collage: "All you need is love..."

Mixed Media Collage: "All you need is love..." Made from an enlargement of a postcard image of the Virgin of Guadalupe, flower cutouts, ribbon, tissue paper, doily, decorative tape, acrylics, and markers. Pictured upon dahlias and roses from left to right the moon (pink), the sun (blue), and the Virgin of Guadalupe with a cat on her head. I mean no disrespect. I am somewhat of a devotee myself though I incline toward spirituality rather than Catholicism. However, my paternal grandfather's family were Catholics from Silesia. Furthermore, while I have no training in anthropology I appreciate the diversity and the richness of traditions and customs of the many regions of Mexico. I have seen the devotion and faith Our Lady of Guadeloupe inspires. I have seen the inner peace she brings. I pray that those in need receive her consolation.

La Guadalupana, la guadalupana, 
la guadalupana bajo al tepeyac
Desde el cielo una hermosa manana
la guadalupana bajo al tepeyac
Era Mexicana. Era Mexicana.
Desde entonces para el mexicano
ser guadalupano es algo esencial.
La guadalupana, la guadalupana,
en sus penas se postra de hinojos
y eleva sus ojos hacia el Tepeyac.

If you liked this post, please see Collage of Drawings: Saints of Mexico.

"All you need is love..." lyric by the Beatles John Lennon & Paul McCartney