Collage of drawings: Big eyed 1960's teenagers.

Collage of Drawings: Big eyed 1960s teenagers. Pencil and marker on paper. I used a few of these figures in mixed media pieces later.

After watching Tim Burton’s film Big Eyes last winter, in which Amy Adams portrays Margaret Keane who popularized her paintings of big eyed children in the 1950s and 1960s--or rather her husband Walter, played by Christoph Waltz in the movie, popularized and took credit for them--after watching the movie I drew a series of big eyed 1960s teenage girls.

I was 14 in 1968, and I’d a sister, 18, I’d looked up to. Even in our small mid-western town she had her finger on the pulse of the sixties--not just style, but folk music, and to an extent, national and world events. Drawing these pictures I was in part evoking her and her era, I guess, not in realism obviously, but in spirit. I am the one with the sketch book though.

I used to write a blog of mainly movie commentaries called Blogawry: movies, books, misfortunes, minor miracles, which I discontinued writing in December, 2015.