Mixed Media Whimsey on Brown Packing Paper
Mixed Media Whimsey on Brown Packing Paper: pencil, stabilo pencil, colored snd watercolor pencils, water-based markers.
I order kitty litter online by 20 lb boxes. Two boxes at a time ship free. It has to be Respiratory Relief because neither Mabel nor I can cope with dusty litter. It comes packed in yards and yards of brown packing paper so the boxes don't move around and break. Whoa, that would be a mess.
The brown packing paper is 15" wide and has perforations every 8-1/2". I imagine the person doing the packing pulling the long ribbons of paper off a huge spool, ripping it off the spool while packing or when the box is fully packed.
Ady (above) in the box of crunched up packing paper.