Folk art: “...essentially, it is any art created by self-taught artists.” Chappell Ellison
Mixed media: Commemorating Frida Kahlo
Media: Frida Kahlo. Born July 6, 1907. Mexican painter well-known for
self-portraiture. The quote reads "At the end of the day we can endure much more than we think we can." Kahlo suffered chronic pain all her life, and the quote, for me, inspires solidarity and courage. I have long appreciated Kahlo's self-exploratory art,
and I have visited La Casa Azul, where she died in 1954, which is
now a museum in Coyoacan. I particularly admired her extensive
collection of tin votive paintings. My mixed media votive piece for Tsas is an attempt at votive folk art. In sum, on this, the day after the 111th anniversary of Kahlo's birth, I add to the innumerable images that commemorate her life and
art. This is a "journal type sketch" on 8" x 10" mixed media paper made with colored pencils, a marker, and gel pens. I see a wee bit of actor Emily Blunt in this sketch. I guess a
film role reprise is out of the question since Blunt is Welsh and English. Salma
Hayek, born in Veracruz, Mexico, portrayed Kahlo in Frida (2002).