Drawing and papercraft: "your neighbor as yourself"

Drawing and Paper craft: "your neighbor as yourself". 11" x 12" pencil, colored pencil, marker, decorative paper and tape on mixed media paper and cardboard backing.

In the Christian Bible the quote from Luke 10:27: "love your neighbor as yourself"

En la Biblia cristiana de lucas 10:27 "ama a tu vecino como a ti mismo".

I made this with thoughts of and prayers for the thousands of mothers, fathers, and children forcibly separated by the Trump administration. May those families impacted hold onto their faith. May they find hope in the darkest of hours. May they know that many people all over the world feel compassion and are thinking of and praying for them.

Con pensamientos y oraciones por los miles de madres, padres e hijitos y hijitas separados a la fuerza por la administracion Trump. Que puedan aferrarse a su fe, que encuentren esparanza, que sepan que muchas personas en el mundo sienten compasion y estan pensando y orando por ustedes.